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Session V: The external dimension of migration – preventing and combating irregular migration
The flow of irregular migration is the height of political irresponsibility - Patrick O'Flynn MEP
The Migration Conundrum: Challenges for a Common European Response
Special Session 3: The Security Challenges of Irregular Migration
New perspectives on irregular migration in Europe
VMC2021 | What works and what doesn't: Closing reflections on the future of migration partnerships
Europe: Unpacking EU Asylum Policy in light of the UN Global Compact on Refugees: The Impacts of ...
In conversation on migration diplomacy and priorities on both sides of the Mediterranean | VMC2024
Irregular Migration in the MENA Region
KAS Panel 1: Governing Migration and Refugees in Times of Populists Resurgence in Canada and Europe
LIBE Committee Meeting: Presentation of the EU Approach on Migration in the Mediterranean
#NetAtWork | Time for a New European Pact on Migration?